Hello all of you out there reading this blog, if there is anyone out there actually reading this, I would like to say welcome. This is my first ever blog and I'm really excited to get things started. First I should probably tell you all why I decided to start writing. I've always thought blogging looked interesting but what really got me going was my boyfriend Kevin. I started reading his blog after we started dating and then realized that a few of my other friends have blogs as well. After reading theirs I thought well why can't I do this? Then I remembered how awful I am with computers. Yes I do know how to use word and excel, but I had to have my brother help me set up my facebook account. I know, its really depressing that I live in an era of computers and ipods but still had to have help setting up something as simple as a social networking account. Which makes the fact that I set up this blog all by myself incredible.
Since most of my followers, if I get any, will be my friends you can probably skip this part..just saying.
I am a big believer in finding out were people come from so here is a little bit about my family. My dad is a pastor, my mom is a fourth grade teacher and my brother and sister are twins and going to be seniors in high school.
Yes I am a PK (Pastor's Kid). A lot of people judge me as soon as they find out that fact. They either think I'm a little miss perfect or a troubled child who acts out to get attention. Really, I'm just me, or at least I try to be just me. The fact that my father is a pastor isn't that big of a deal. Trust me, my mom is the scary one. But being a pastor's kid is not that easy. I'm supposed to know every person at my church and who their whole family is and what is going on in their life....the truth is I fake it most of the time. I do a lot of "Hey you"s and talk about very generalized topics. So far it works and I make it out of church without making a total fool of myself. One of the bigger downfalls of being a PK is that when I date someone, i.e. Kevin, they not only have to meet my parents, have I mentioned that they are scary people, they also have to meet my church. I can't wait for Kevin to meet everyone but there is also the possibility that my dad will think its funny and announce that he is there or put him in the sermon.... I am very used to being mentioned in the sermon, it happens on almost a monthly occasion, possibly even more frequently when I'm away at school but still for someones first time at the service it can be weird.
So I kinda mentioned this earlier but I do have a bf. His name is Kevin and we have been dating for about a month but only officially bf and gf for three weeks. He is AMAZING!!! I love him so much!!! We click on so many levels! I just wish I could see him every day. He lives in Vermillion this summer while I'm living in Sioux Falls. I can't wait to for school to start cause then I'll get to be with him all the time. He makes me smile and love spending time with him. I can't wait to see how this relationship will evolve.
Well I guess this is enough for my first post... I'll leave you with this
Only you can be the best version of yourself
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