So here are some of the events that have already happened this summer.
I started working at Lewis again. I know old knew but one thing that is really exciting is that they now respect me enough to let me do my job in peace. No one is standing over my shoulder telling me to do this and that better. They even trusted me enough to have me do the watering. I know this doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but if the waterer is off by just a little bit, too much or not enough, the plants WILL die. This might seem a little dramatic but most of those plants are not meant to stay in the little containers they come in. The waterer is the one who keeps them alive for the customers. If they die people get angry. Course that did mean that I had to be at work by 6:00am this morning but I survived. I'm not sure if I really like the atmosphere around the store anymore. Everyone is at each other's throats over the stupidest things. Instead of having conversations with people about how they have been, I've been having conversations about why this person hates that person. I'm really over it already. Sadly one of my favorite coworkers is being transferred to another store. All because she can't stand our head manager. I really wish everyone would just shut up!!! It's really sad when I'm the most mature person there when most of them are 5-30 years older than me. It's going to be an interesting summer...
The Chamber Singers sang at Dr. Gangon's wedding last weekend. I had so much fun!!! I came down after my shift on Friday and stayed at Kevin's place. Sadly he didn't get there until the morning. I only got to see him for three hours before I had to go to rehearsal. It was fun to see everyone again. I think that was the best we've ever sang the Ave Maria. After the ceremony we were invited to the reception. The food was really good. The song they danced to was At Last and I teared up it was so beautiful. Since I and many other friends are still underaged we decided to dance. At first it was just me and Phil doing a fast two stepish thing. Then Gabe showed up and tried to cut in. Thank God Phil wouldn't let me go. Finally after a few very impressive dances by the three of us everyone else joined the dance floor. I must have danced for three hours. It was so much fun. I got my final slow dance with Phil who by that point was my date, lol. I'm going to miss him so much!!! We started out together at fast-track before freshman year. Neither of us know that we would be in Chamber together as we met with Dr. Fett. My parents were asking ridiculous questions about how I could double major in Music and Math. (That dream failed!) I have been so lucky to get two years with him. He will do well at his new school but he will be greatly missed in Verm.
So far the only two people I've seen in Sioux Falls have been Kayla and Nate. Kayla and I had a wonderful lunch at our favorite spot, Bagel Boy, on Tuesday. We talked about her new man:) I'm so happy for her. She deserves to have someone. Nate and I went for a walk today. Then we drove to the library down town where he showed me all the wonderful free music waiting to be ripped. Then we went to Apple Bees. The waiter was ok but he didn't even ask if we were paying together. I even said that we were splitting the appetizer. Anyway there was an extremely weird moment when we realized our waiter thought we were a couple. Which is definitely not true. We laughed about it later. I really like hanging out with Nate. Obviously as a friend. We can have fun when we are not at work.
I miss Kevin more than ever!!!! It's so weird not to have him with me all the time. We said that we would try to see each other every week but now I won't see him until his mom's wedding. I really hope that he has a good summer. He worked so hard this last semester. I'm so proud of him. He Graduated!!!! It makes me kinda sad that he will graduate with two degrees before I even finish mine. Sometimes I feel like I'm holding him back. I can't believe I got so lucky:) Love you hun!!!
I could talk about more but this blog is already really long and I've now been awake for 20 hours.
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