This summer I have discovered this delightful little thing called netflix. So I started at the very beginning of That '70s Show. I'm almost done with the 7th season. Of the 200 episodes I have 28 to go. In case any of you were wondering there is not much to do in Sioux Falls when you work as much as I do. On the plus side I have successfully driven my family insane because I always beat them to the TV. These are the things are what I live for. Especially when it pisses off my sister. Mainly because she always wants to watch woman's softball which is boring as HELL!!!! It's very satisfying to make her go watch TV in her room or the garage. But back to that That '70s Show, I love knowing what's going on in the story. After this I think I'm going to start watching all of the Scrubs episodes. But I'm already ahead on that show cause I own a two seasons and watched many episodes in German for class.
Well some exciting things happened this weekend: My parents went away to see my grandma in Sturgis. FINALLY MY MOM TRUSTS ME ENOUGH TO NOT HAVE A BABYSITTER!!! It only took 20 years. Normally she would call my other grandparents to stay with us but instead she said we could stay by ourselves. But because my mom is such a control freak both my brother and sister have gone crazy and want to throw parties. I worry about this because they are both IDIOTS!!!! Like how my IDIOT of a brother showed up with like four kids ready to hit the hot tub. great.
Either I grew up already, I don't have enough friends in Sioux Falls, or I'm a stick in the mud but I really don't want to "babysit" high school kids all weekend. This is not my idea of a good time.
Please shoot me now.
So much for a weekend without parents